Fitness does not owe any one of us anything. It takes hard work, continued dedication and belief!
It is only natural that you will have good and bad days, we are only humans, not robots and the advantage of an Activ-8 personal fitness trainer is that we WILL educate while motivating and pushing you harder than you would yourself and make sessions more appealing, interesting, spontaneous, geared towards your individual fitness goals, achieving your goals safely and over a shorter time scale.
It lies with you inevitably how much and how serious you are about achieving fitness results. You need to put the work in, in order to reap the benefits, but we are here every step of the way to help and assist you.
Anything is possible if you are serious and willing to make sacrifices. It undoubtedly comes down to how much of an importance it is to you to make progress with your health & fitness.
Everyday life throws up all sorts of obstacles and restrictions, trying to prevent us from achieving our desired fitness goals whether it’s work restraints, family commitments or time management.
We have 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week that’s 168 hours in a week to make time for much needed exercise.You may think you are working hard and effectively but in fact 68-69% of people that join a gym with good intentions cancel their membership in less than 3 months as they set themselves up for a fall.
It is very frustrating putting in the work and not getting any visible results which is why a lot of people lose heart and become de-motivated.
You may think what you are doing is correct but we WILL make sure your exercise technique is correct, reducing the chances of injury and make your sessions more enjoyable but most of all productive and results orientated.
They say practise makes perfect, we strongly disagree. Practice makes routine! Correct practice makes perfect!
"Feel it, See it, Be it" |