

Scott Wilson, Manchester, UK


I have been training with Anthony for some time and he has been fantastic. He is an excellent personal trainer, I cannot recommend him and his training method highly enough. His professionalism, programme and feedback throughout our sessions is second to none.

He ensured I met my goals by designing and building on a training plan that met my needs and I feel fitter and stronger. He focuses on technique and this shows in the results I have achieved through training with him.

Highly recommend despite his choice of football team.



Liz Gee, London, UK


I needed someone to be very patient, considerate, encouraging, and very motivating, especially as I work full time and am very tired at the end of my day.
Anthony turned me to be all these things and more
He may not have taken years off my life but he has put more life into my years.



Andrea Stuart, London, UK


I have been training with Anthony Lee since June 2005 and I have seen a complete transformation in my overall wellbeing and physique during this time. I have lost approximately 15 kilos and my energy has much increased. The programme Anthony has devised for me has improved my stamina and muscle tone. As a trainer Anthony works you hard but always makes sessions fun by maintaining his good humour and good judgement. He is very proactive: making sure that sessions are scheduled and organized for optimal results. In addition he is both patient and tenacious, fully committed to making sure that you achieve your goals.



Simon Kilmister, Newcastle, UK


I found Anthony to be a very talented trainer, who made each session very challenging yet enjoyable. He always remained focused on my goals, providing motivation and encouragement, with a genuine desire to see the results achieved. I also appreciated his efforts to tailor the programme to suit my preffered sports.

Anthony's good sense of humour, positve nature, and freindly personality ensured that the training sessions were always good fun. At the same time he is very much a professional who takes his work seriously, and was always proactive in organising and scheduling each session.

I personally felt that I achieved more in the 1 hour training session with Anthony than I would have in 3 hours in the gym alone, and would highly recommend him highly to others.




Salma Mohamed, Dubai , U.A.E


Before Anthony approached me to try his personal training session, I was already hitting the gym, but I was not getting the results i was looking for. Anthony showed me ways, to sculpt my body and loose weight, that were much less demanding than the previous training I was doing on my own, he showed me how to combine cardio with strength training, a combination that proved essential to my weight losing goal. In addition he is amazing to talk to and a great therapist when you want to just vent. He is fun, funny, charming and sweet, easy to work with and he makes training interesting and fun as opposed to boring and forced.



Hazem Adawie, Amman, Jordan


With a hectic lifestyle and after 15 years of smoking and fitness ignorance, it took me a real effort to buy in the idea of joining a gym and getting to enjoy working out and apply some changes to my lifestyle, I remember I spent the first 2 months without a trainer, where I've done nothing but putting on more Kilos and breaking the 30 ciggs a day barrier.
Anthony has given me the chance to discover that its not too late yet, as he impressively raised my level starting from understanding the basics and scientific background about the exercises and the food and everything related to fitness activities, all in a really friendly and funny approach mixed with full seriousness and commitment whenever needed, oh and by the way I QUIT SMOKING NOW"




Samer Ammari, Amman, Jordan


Hiring a personal trainer can be a hefty investment, but when one finds the right person, it can be just the motivation that was needed to help lose weight, build muscle and get healthy. Anthony did not teach me the proper way to work out only, but also provided positive reinforcement that has motivated me to continue my personal fitness journey. I have seen amazing results that I never thought were possible. He is a friendly and cooperative gentleman who is accessible at each and every point of time to give you an advice. He is active and funny as well; you would love go out or play football with him. Because of him, I would say: exercising philosophy is a corner stone in my life.



Coye Nokes, USA


Anthony is a talented personal trainer who clearly makes an effort to tailor my programme to me and to the areas on which I would like to focus. Over the course of the past 2 years, he makes efforts to ensure that my programme is dynamic and pushes to me to improve and achieve new levels of fitness. I have enjoyed the personal level of fitness achieved while training with Anthony. He is personable and makes the session enjoyable and challenging – simultaneously – a great skill.



Jeff Curtis, Essex, UK


After years of creating programs and training by myself daily in the gym I began to realize that my results had become static, I took on Anthony as my personal trainer and immediately saw results, in the 2 years since we have been working together I have seen good weight loss and an overall change for the better in my physique. Anthony has designed numerous programs to continually challenge me and shock my body, always enjoyable and effective with noticeable changes in muscles groups I had never realised were being worked.
Anthony is a Great guy with a personable and positive outlook on life with an ability to empathize installing a good overall positive attitude in which to channel the energy to continue and finish the sessions for great results.



Roger Holloway, Rugby, UK


Anthony keep’s you heading for your limits while teaching you exercise skills with a cheerful manner, he will make it as hard as you are able to keep up with so is an ideal trainer for both the expert and the novice either way he will get results.

A very grateful client




Stephanie DSouza, Dubai, U.A.E


 Anthony Lee has by far been my best discovery ever!
While working out on the treadmill my attention was bought up by this trainer who seemed very dedicated to his client. He kept a level of motivation going for the client and at the same time made cardio vascular seem so easy!
Then once again during another session I saw the same persistence which started to convince me into getting a PT and not any PT but Anthony.
Just as I signed up with Anthony, the date for my wedding was fixed so I began to think this was totally meant to be!
I started with a weight of 83kilos and today I am at 76 kilos. It doesn’t matter so much to me on what the darn weighing scale shows! Its how well my clothes started to fit me! Its how it made me feel every morning!
A burst of energy! The motivation to eat right and work out right is what Anthony began to instil in me! From a size 18 I am now a size 14-16!!
The place that I wanted work on the most was by belly and my arms. Anthony was a dedicated professional in the sense that he only helped me work on my belly and arms but helped me tone my whole body so that my weight loss was even.
I am 25 yrs old and was so tired of people thinking that was in my early 30's! Today, after shedding the pounds it feels nice to be a 25yr old! Heck it feels great to even be called a 22 yr old!! :)
I have attached my pictures of how i was before and how I am today.
Anthony, thank you so very much for all your dedication! Thank you for your support and your time!

A very grateful client



Adam Lyons, London, UK


I am writing to set out my experience of working with Anthony Lee as a personal trainer over the past two years at Holmes Place (now Virgin Active) Kensington.
I have always found Anthony friendly and engaging and over the time we have worked together we have developed a very good relationship. 
Importantly, this is reflected in the progress I have made while trained by Anthony.  Anthony is motivating and committed and I am very pleased with the results I have achieved in terms of fitness and overall wellbeing.
Anthony is encouraging at the gym, pushing me to stretch myself each session.  I have had some lower back problems resulting from stress at work and Anthony has developed a programme for me which has noticeably reduced problems in this area while still improving overall fitness.
I am happy to recommend Anthony as a personal trainer.



Willem Plantagie, Amsterdam, Holland


Anthony has been training me on a regular basis at Holmes Place Kensington (now Virgin Active) since September 2004. His enthusiasm for and dedication to the job have helped me to think of going to the gym as something I feel I want to do, rather than as something I feel I need to do.

Over the course of the past two and a half years, he has helped me a great deal towards achieving my fitness goals. Training with Anthony is intensive, varied and most of the times even funny. His sense of humour makes training certainly more interesting. It is a pity he supports such a rubbish football team.

I would strongly recommend anyone who is thinking about personal training to think about working with Anthony.




Mohammad Kamal, Dubai, U.A.E


I trained with Anthony for 6 months during which he helped me achieve my goals; to lose weight, improve muscle tone, and recover from an auto accident. Anthony is especially good at getting to know his clients, and knowing how to motivate them. He has managed to keep me focused on achieving my goals by being both strict during training sessions and keeping it fun and enjoyable.

Anthony also has excellent knowledge of cardiovascular and weight training, and always manages to keep the training sessions challenging by continuously adding to and altering the exercise routines.

I am very pleased with the results I have achieved with Anthony and will definitely train with him again when I return to Dubai.



Melissa Grafton, UK


He has trained me prior to pregnancy, then throughout my first pregnancy, then through recovery post pregnancy and is now training me through my second pregnancy.
Anthony has been a fun personal trainer, kept me motivated at times when I needed that extra bit of encouragement and has been a good trainer over these years. He has adapted the exercises to what has been appropriate at different times, including whilst recovering from an ankle injury, post pregnancy injuries and, more recently, has been good with practising boxing exercises.



Ian Wilson, Dubai, UAE


Anthony was my personal trainer for over 2 years. He has always been personable and punctual to all my sessions. He is committed, organised and is sensitive to the needs of each personal programme that he has set for me. He is tenacious in his approach and always pushes for the ultimate result. Anthony makes every session enjoyable and challenging by varying difficulties in each programme to keep each training session interesting. Anthony has a good sense of humour and has always encouraged me to stretch myself to my full potential.
All the best



Robert Lunday, Texas, USA


I've had a few personal trainers in my life, and none of them has ever matched Anthony Lee in terms of making my workouts effective.  Anthony is motivational and never gave up on ensuring that I was in the gym pushing myself beyond what I thought I could do.  When I had to leave Dubai, I felt as fit as I ever had ever been in my life because of Anthony.  To top it all off, Anthony is a great guy.  You find yourself smiling and laughing in between sets because the conversation always revolves around something fun or interesting.  I highly recommend Mr. Lee to be your personal instructor.



Scott Hutton, Glasgow, UK


I have been training on a semi-professional basis for the last 15 years or so. I have now stopped playing competitive sport and the prospect of spending all my training time in the gym was not an attractive one. I have been lucky to have spent the last 6 months or so training with Anthony. Training has been very varied and as enjoyable as a tough session can be! I have thoroughly enjoyed the variety of training from boxing to weight training, interval training to stamina work. Each session is different which relieves a lot of the monotony of gym work. Anthony is a great guy with a good sense of humour who makes training something to look forward to. He could do with some style tips but otherwise he is a terrific trainer.



Jim Quinn, Midlands, UK


Coming from a martial arts and squash background I am used to varied training, but needed somebody to introduce new thinking and methods to my routine. These needed to allow for a serious ankle injury throughout a period of recuperation. Anthony does all of this very well indeed, with just the right combination of steely looks and humour. However, he can't count - as I'm sure a set of 10 is always around 14 or so..



Nazar Zaidan, Khartoum, Sudan


I have found Anthony to be a very focused and professional; as he has shown that he takes a personal interest in his member’s progress. He is committed and believes 100% in the programs that he agrees to set with you. His enthusiasm and delivery is positively contagious along with his very pleasant and courteous manner.
He is very positive and takes great care in helping people achieve their goal. It has been a totally new experience which I have found to be reason why I kept renewing and extending my membership.
I am very pleased with my progress in my training with Anthony and look forward. I would have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone looking for achieving results while enjoying their time doing just that!
Thank you Anthony and keep up the good work.




Natashya Roberts, Madras, India


Anthony is the biggest motivator when it comes to losing weight or just toning down.

I had joined Fitness First and being the first time to have signed up at such a professional gym, I was not familiar with the equipment and routines. I signed up with Anthony for a trial personal training session, and the rest is history.

As a trainer, his professionalism and technique helped me lose weight and tone up for my wedding. Quite the motivator, even on the dreariest of days, his positive attitude always made me to try harder. His chipper personality and his cheery outlook on life, makes him a pleasure to be around.



Roy Campbell, Glasgow, UK


In the world of Fitness Training it is quoted that “there is no gain without pain”

How ever no where does it mention that the pain and/or gain can not be accompanied by humour. This is where Anthony differs from the others with his professional approach yet allowing the client to have a laugh at often his own expense. He will insure you perform to the best of your ability however his character allows you to do it with a smile and hopefully the gain will follow.



Sara Mitchell, Surrey, UK


Anthony gave me the confidence to get back into the gym. His enthusiasm motivates you and was genuinely interested in my well being, giving encouragement and knowing when to push me further. Having suffered from a bad back for many years, he was very knowledgeable and understanding, helping to strengthen and stretch, as well as giving advice on losing weight. He has a great sense of humour which made each session fun.




Maria Iftikhar, Germany


Hi, my name is Maria and I'm 31. I have been training with Anthony for 9 months and he has pushed me really hard to get where I am today. I have lost in total 23kgs. I still remember my first conversation with him: “no weights please, I don't want to become bulky” Thank god I listened to him and did the training as he asked. What I like the most about him is that he doesn't take NO for an answer, and pushes you! I have reached my goals regarding the weight but planning to carry on working with him to improve my fitness levels. So if you want to train hard and want someone to push you, Anthony is the one!




Andrew Fuller, Blackburn, UK


I compete in motor sport and was very specific in my training goals. Following a consultation and assessment, Anthony & the Activ-8 team devised a program to help me develop my core and upper body strength, and to take my cardiovascular fitness to another level. It also improved my flexibility. My training targets specific muscle groups and zones, and is rotated to keep the training fun, but still disciplined. I reached my target weight and I was also surprised to see how an improvement in fitness had a massive positive effect on my mental state during race days and with my confidence in general. Anthony & the Activ-8 team also attended several of my race events providing support and encouragement. This is a personal touch that most companies would not offer




Anne Mcdougall, Scotland, UK


"Anthony was a great support and inspiration. He got me fit again very quickly and motivated me to keep it up over the long summer holiday. They results are amazing. I dropped 2 kilos of fat and toned up and now have the long lean look that I wanted. Thanks again. Anne"




Reiner Erlings, Dubai, UAE


Anthony knows how to push you just hard enough to help you reach your goal without ever making you feel like giving up. He is an intuitive trainer; each workout is unique and tailor made according to how you feel that day and how much he thinks he can get out of you. This approach keeps the workouts fresh, exciting, and incredibly effective. Working out with Anthony is also a lot of fun; he skillfully manages to keep your mind of the fact that you are in fact enduring an hour-long torture session. Deploying his unique brand of humour on you just when you think you can't do another set, he always manages to maximise your potential, session after session. After your workout, your body will curse him for the rest of the day, but you also secretly look forward to the next session....



Bella Doswell, Dubai, UAE


"I can absolutely recommend Anthony and his style of training. When I began training him, I had never used any gym equipment other than the treadmill. I was not very body confident and my balance needed a lot of work. During the 5 months I trained with him, he was patient, sufficiently forceful, motivational and caring about what he does and getting the best out of me at the same time. I have learned a lot from him and I continue to take this learning with me wherever I go. Thanks a million, Anthony!"




Nader Henein, Cairo, Egypt


I have been training with Anthony for the past three years and he has helped me through two marathons and countless other races, I can honestly say that I would have never been able to push myself as hard as he has pushed me, through pain, through bad days, through muscle groups I never wanted to work on, he has been my motivation and I am far better for it than I was 4 years ago, and I would just like to say Thank you and would wholeheartedly recommend Active8 to anyone who asked.




Matthew Rogers, Melbourne, Australia


I originally started training with Anthony to get in shape for my wedding, but have found the training to be so enjoyable that I have continued to keep up with a couple of sessions each week. Anthony manages to keep you focused during sessions by ensuring that they are never boring or repetitive. He also drives you so that you get the best results out of each session. Anthony has certainly helped me achieve my goals in relation to fitness and body shape and I would certainly recommend him to all.




Graeme Sullivan, Liverpool, UK


I had never really had a Personal trainer before and wasn't sure if it was for me.  My wedding was coming up however and I wanted to bulk up a little bit and feel my best on the big day.

I started working with Anthony, initially only for one or two sessions, however I immediately felt comfortable and enjoyed the sessions so much that I kept going back for more.
The workouts were tailored to my needs and abilities and I started seeing results very quickly.

Anthony himself is a top bloke; he quickly became a friend as well as a trainer and I would recommend him to anyone who is serious about achieving their goals.

I didn't know what I was capable until I started working out with Anthony, now he has set the bar higher for me I will never look back!




Michael Pain, Essex, UK


I have been training with Anthony since July 2010, during this time he has helped me improve my all round fitness, strength, aerobic capability and loose over 10 kg in weight.

He is knowledgable and makes each session enjoyable and focused.

However he does support a crap football team !!

I continue to train with Anthony on a regular basis and have no hesitation in recommending his services.




Janet Herbert, UK


Exercise & keeping fit has always played a big part in my life, but emphasis tended to be more on cardio than resistance or floor work. About a year ago, my self-motivated trips to the gym were becoming harder & more difficult to sustain & so I felt it was time to seek the assistance of a trainer to ‘mix things up’ & incorporate weights & resistance work into my routines.

In a city with almost as many personal trainers as brunch venues, choosing one to meet your individual needs is daunting. What attracted me to Anthony of Activ8fitness was his friendly, approachable manner, but don’t be fooled, he’s very firm! His knowledge & professionalism was apparent from the initial consultation at which a tailor-made training schedule was agreed. No one training session is ever the same, I never know what to expect but subsequently it never becomes dull – Anthony continues to incorporate new exercises into the routines, bringing his own equipment to sessions, setting personal challenges. One thing, I am sure of however, is his constant encouragement, motivation & expertise.

Since combining resistance work with cardio my workouts are more rounded, I feel toned, stronger & fitter. Although this is a personal achievement, it is Anthony’s continued encouragement & professionalism that has enabled me to reach my goals.




Andrew Thomson, Scotland, UK


Anthony has been the cornerstone of my fitness regime for over three years.
I see clear benefits and his relaxed style means that exercise never seems too much of a chore!




Melanie Wilson, Tennessee, USA


Shortly after moving to Dubai almost 2.5 years ago, I began searching for a personal trainer. I had always worked out on my own and was not sure what to expect from a PT. I had come to a point where I needed someone’s expertise to help me reach a higher level of fitness.

Upon meeting Anthony for the first time, it was apparent that he was passionate about his profession in assisting others reach their personal fitness goals. His friendly demeanor instantly made me less nervous. He took the time to get to know me, assess my fitness level and discuss the training options for pursuing/attaining my goals.

My life and work in Dubai can be busy and unpredictable, which makes it easy to come up with an excuse to not work-out. My training time with Anthony, gives me the accountability and outlet to work through this stress. He pushes me to reach my full potential in each session while providing a balance of encouragement and motivation.

Over these past years, He has made me realize that I am capable of much more, if I’m willing to push myself and put in the time and effort into each work out session. He makes session fun, yet challenging through his expertise in knowing what exercises will give the desired results.

Through my training sessions, Anthony has helped me attain a level of fitness that I never would have thought to strive for on my own. He genuinely invests in his clients and wants us to be successful in attaining a greater level of fitness and health.




Denise McWilliams, Boston, USA


I have been training with Ant for about a year now. My overall fitness has improved exponentially and I’m extremely happy with the results - especially my biceps! I’ve lost 20 kilos since working out with Ant and as my waistline has decreased, my self-confidence has skyrocketed. Ant is patient yet very motivating and encouraging; his demeanor is the perfect balance for a personal trainer. I can not recommend Ant and Activ-8 enough!




Linnea Bergman, Sweden"


As I told Anthony during my first session, I wasn't training to lose weight or get muscular, but to get generally more fit. I hadn't really enjoyed any type of exercise before, but that quickly changed! Anthony did what I thought was impossible - made me enjoy my workouts and actually look forward to them. He's great fun to be around, and also very motivating. Unfortunately I wasn't able to complete my initial 30 sessions due to me relocating, but the weeks I spent training with him was well worth the time and money spent. If I ever come back to Dubai, a session with Anthony is the first thing I'll make sure to schedule! I would recommend him to anyone who is looking for a fun, hard working and reliable personal trainer.




Olga Mirtova - Cassidy‎, Berezniki, Russia‎


I thought I was doing well in the gym before I've met Anthony:) He showed me how far I can go, pushing me further with every session, and yet keeping me motivated. My wedding was coming up in few months and Anthony even printed a photo of me in a wedding dress (sneakily asked me to share it with him after my first trial) and kept showing it to me whenever I felt like I'm done. That personal touch and his professionalism made me appreciate every single session I had and every a singe penny spent.




Ahmed Hassan, Boston, UK‎


I’ve had hit-and-miss personal trainers over the years, but having worked with Tony for the last 2.5years, will never work with another trainer whilst we both live in Dubai. Age is kicking-in and various lower back problems are a constant reminder of that for me. For the longest time I dreaded going to the gym knowing that any overexertion could have serious repercussions, and I’m the type that only goes to the gym to push myself hard. With that in mind, I was skeptical about working with a PT… Safe to say that after 120 sessions, the motivational sound-bites from Tony (one of my favourites being “meet me half-way”), coupled with his commitment to challenge me whilst providing his expert knowledge to prevent any damage to my back and joints, has supported my development in fitness, strength and confidence that I’ll continue to carry with me. Excellent PT and most excellent dude! PS, it also helps when your PT struggles to keep count on those last reps ;-)‎




Mark Woor, Cambridge, UK


‘Anthony has trained me over the past 18 months as I have been coming back from numerous knee injuries. He’s been great to push me when I don’t want to be pushed and also cater sessions to a specific weak area of my knee to build strength. Above all, he’s a real fun guy to be around. Only downside he’s a Liverpool fan.’



Myrna Ringburg, Beirut, Lebanon


Anthony Lee is an excellent trainer. Very positive and extremely encouraging; as a trainer he doesn't only make the sessions perfectly tailored to me. He even takes the time to follow up on the off days to ensure I am being active and always gives cheering words to push me into the gym even when I don't have PE sessions. The training sessions with him are always tough and require hard work, but with the good sense of humor that Anthony has the session ends up being fun and extremely positive. I feel a lot more energetic since I started the training sessions with Anthony and I feel like I am achieving my goals in a perfect rhythm.




Kathryn Whitehead, UK


I asked to train me last year as I wanted to tone & firm up and have more energy being a working mum. I found his advice, encouragement and support brilliant. My body shape changed, I had more confidence in myself and realized I had an ok level of fitness. His motivation and positivity was great for me as he pushed me to the limit giving 100%. Where as before it wasn't even 50%. My training sessions with him left me exhausted but feeling a great sense of achievement. How you should feel.




Michael Paddon, Surrey, UK


Good all round trainer with performance and results - understands your body and does not kill you but pushes you to YOUR limits - highly recommend Anthony's professional service of getting and keeping fit :)!




Behnoosh Feiz,‎ Shiraz, Iran


I chose a time to train with Anthony, when lots were going on in my work life. My goal was to get physically fit, loosing weight for the wedding I intended to attend the next month, as well as scheduling my sessions for optimal results. I was quite impressed with Anthony's flexibility, care and -dedication. He managed to organise our sessions perfectly despite my busy work life at that time. Each session was focused, challenging and fun. He works you hard through the sessions, but his humour, kindness and dedication makes the sessions more fun and entertaining. ‎ Anthony opened my eyes to completely new range of training activities, which are not only fun but also have delivered real results. ‎




Sara Rebeiz, Paris, France


I used to go to the gym repeating the same exercise and ended up being bored. Anthony, very professional, asked me questions to assess my goals and to ensure I would be able to reach my objectives. With Anthony I benefit from various exercise to work my whole body and find the gym more enjoyable thanks to his motivation and positive vibe! thank you Anthony for being a great personal trainer!




Faris Gammoh, Amman, Jordan


I worked with Anthony 2009-11 and must admit that it was one of the best PT experiences I've had yet: he was always there to provide constructive feedback and motivation was necessary give the number of distractions in Dubai. He focused on technique and posture which significantly yielded better results as I was finally doing exercises mindfully and limited any chances of injury. I would highly recommend him for anyone serious about getting into shape and looking for a friendly and knowledgeable trainer that can yield results in a reasonable time. Thank you Anthony ‎




Tippawan Rogers, Bangkok, Thailand


Anthony trained me for 4 years, I initially started training for my wedding and he helped me achieve great results. Anthony sessions were always fun and rewarding and I continued with the training. Anthony always made the sessions interesting and it was never repetitive. I would highly recommend him.‎




Anne - Marie Caine, Liverpool, UK


Okay so I am not a so called keep fit fanatic although I have tried many things e.g. Aqua, bums and tums, dance classes and spinning yet I still find it hard to lose the weight. Then I moved into the Greens area and met Anthony who just so happened to live close by. I take the plunge and try and push it that bit further as I am a person who needs a kick up the back side from time to time and be made to do it !! That’s why I liked exercise classes rather than the gym as you have to do it along with the rest of the class. Anyway, I sign my life away and book a course of 20 sessions to give me that kick up the backside I really really need !! OMG. Anthony worked me hard and luckily for me he had more faith in me than I had in myself. I am not the easiest person to deal with and he had confidence in me. He got me running on the treadmill and lifting weights and doing squats amongst lots of other exercises as I wanted to lose the weight on the bum and tum legs and arms and as you can imagine this was new to me and my body As I had not done anything like that in over 25 years, but he had got me to run and not walk on the treadmill and although I did a lot of exercises I found them to be very challenging and enjoyed them, well a few anyway. No, on a serious note. Anthony is a good trainer very patient, tough and fair. He helped me get some confidence back that I never had in myself as I am doing the 10k in Jan 2018 and I want to run it and not walk it like I did last year. My weight fluctuated during training, but that didn’t stop me and I never missed a class even when on a low or in much pain I still kept going because he motivated me. I’m no skinny Minnie but a friend said to me don’t go by the scales, go by the clothes and some of my clothes are now hanging off me. Anthony is a good trainer and I still keep the exercises going and I am now running more than expected. He is a very patient person and a good trainer. He is honest and compliments if you’re doing good and tells you straight if you’re not which is what you want in a trainer. I was a 14 bordering 16. Now I’m a 13 trying to get to a 12. He puts you through the pace but it’s all worth it in the end. Not only is he a good trainer he is now a good friend and I would highly recommend him to other people. Thanks Anthony for your patience and motivation YNWA




Christine Pain, Surrey, UK


Anthony is patient and nice. He does not shout at you but reminds you when your technique needs a tweak, he quietly adds the pounds to the weights when he thinks you won’t notice but he knows you are ready. He also takes the time to look for new exercises or techniques to try. All in all, you can make progress at a pace you are comfortable with. I have been seeing Anthony through many life and health challenges over the past X years but we are still on track, together. Go and see Anthony. You and your body will be glad you did!




Karl Hendricks, Cape Town, South Africa


I have always been an active individual focused on fitness. Anthony has created the drive within me to continuously strive towards pushing the boundaries to the next level of fitness and discipline. He continuously keeps you engaged and committed throughout the journey. I believe Anthony has the ability to cater to different needs of individuals given his understanding of your goals. He not only takes an interest in the allotted time provided to him, but also assists you in achieving your overall fitness aspirations. Great job Anthony




Lizzie White, Hitchin, UK


I trained with Anthony when I first moved to Dubai, he helped me get back into shape with a mixture of strength and cardio exercises. He knows how to push you throughout a session as well as get that extra rep from you when you're struggling at the end of a set. I enjoyed every session and always had a good laugh along the way.




Karyn Williams-Sykes, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago


Anthony has the perfect temperament and personality for a personal trainer: he is soft-spoken but firm; well organised but adaptive; focussed but able to distract you from pain when needed. He has the innate ability to get you to achieve those lofty goals you made up in your head, but never really thought you could reach...you get there and keep going. I totally enjoyed my sessions with him and learned some key techniques which have changed my fitness lifestyle forever. I am fitter and trimmer now because of him and the best part was that process was so sustainable.




Wassim Nasrallah, Beirut, Lebanon


I have known Anthony for the good part of 8 + years he has been my trainer throughout this period of time focussed on primarily boxing but also weights and cardio on occasions. I have always found Anthony to be very professional and very punctual. Approaches workouts in a very methodical approach, he is someone who is focussed on your general well-being and vitality. He is also extremely competent as a trainer from a standpoint of understanding the human being and not doing exercises that may cause any potential strains or damage. He is someone who understands the individual and amps up or lessens the stress and pressure of the workout based on the individual’s ability and drive. I recommend him wholly as someone who can work with most individuals to help them better themselves, to build mass or lose weight.




Marianne Jummean, New Jersey, USA / Amman, Jordan


Anthony is a committed, fun and experienced personal trainer. The sessions were always challenging and had a great mix of workouts that kept things fun. He always pushed me to do my personal best, while making sure I don’t get injured. He helped me overcome knee pain and achieve my personal goals. I had seen multiple improvements since we started. His passion and professionalism is second to none.




Harikrishnan Janakiraman, Chennai, India‎


I was introduced to Anthony by my boss when I was looking to get into strength training and muscle building. I was already generally fit as was into running and regular in sports like badminton. I had never had a personal trainer before, so was not sure of what to expect. Now it's been a year, and I can't imagine anyone else to be my trainer than Anthony. In my 12 months I have grown stronger and got better muscle definition than I had when I started or ever before in my life. These improvements in my physique and strength and general healthy look, has been noticed and commented by my friends who had not seen me for a while and I personally feel it too. Its become a lifestyle choice and i do not see the sessions with Anthony as an option anymore. What's more important is Anthony keeps pushing you for excellence and I have long plans with Him to get to my ultimate goal and physique for my 40th birthday which is 15 months away. Last but not the least though we have had arguments about the rigour applied by Anthony during our sessions, it has always only ended one way, I.e. to my benefit and well being. He has become during the course of these last 12 months, a very good friend whose sessions i cherish and has not just met my expectations but exceeded till date. ( hope this doesn't get to your head mate lol) as we got a lot more to accomplish together. Will at anytime recommend him to anyone who would want a trainer who will produce results at reasonable time, cost and personal touch.




Zahraa Al-Khalisi, Toronto, Canada‎


I started with Anthony shortly after I gave birth to my second child. It was a difficult phase trying to lose the baby weight after 2 back to back pregnancies and feeling that I've lost strength and energy. But Anthony really pushed me to find my strength again and feel good about myself. He got me to the stage that I wanted to be in and constantly motivated me. He never lost interest and always finds ways to keep me going even if it's not in the gym. He made a plan that worked for my schedule (2 kids and a full time job) and not just on training days but recommends workouts to do on other days too.




Sami El Daye, Beirut, Lebanon


I approached Anthony in May 2018 when I was looking for someone to motivate me and teach me how to just “get fit”. When I started my weight was around 81kg and In just 3 months, my weight dropped to 76 kg and I started feeling fit. Anthony is a great coach and an excellent motivator. I can safely say that I achieved my goals and more, but ofcourse this requires hard work, commitment and real motivation.

Thank you Anthony for your support much appreciated :)




Dan Kendrew, Chester, UK


Before my first training session with Anthony he asked me my goals and developed a programme which he said would deliver if I put in the required effort. He pushed me hard and at times it wasn't easy but I'm delighted with the results. He also listens. Certain exercises hurt my joints, so he changed the approach. I can't recommend Anthony highly enough.



Tahir Riaz , Nottingham, UK


Anthony embodies change. Through consistent and positive feedback and encouragement, In a short time, I gained the confidence from each session. Incredibly bright with a treasure trove of health and fitness knowledge; expert in running, weight training, encouraging; and a warm, spontaneous personality that make workouts fun. Anthony is passionate about fitness and it shows through the energy and enthusiasm he brings to every session. His easy going, friendly personality creates a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. He makes each workout challenging, creative and most importantly, fun! He also places a high value on correct form with each exercise. He motivates me to push past my perceived limits to get results. I have incredible energy, my balance and motivation of losing weight have improved immensely and I'm starting to fit in clothes I previously didn't. If you are serious about changing your life for the better, Anthony will lead you every step of the way.




Burcu 'Burocky Balboa' Basci, Eskisehir, Turkey


Anthony HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. I owe him my thanks. On the day I discovered him on Instagram, I was a 115kg woman, desperately laying on my sofa and seeking for a pinch of hope. I watched all the training videos on his page, and my inner voice said YES! There it is! Since my childhood, I was struggling with excessive weight but within reasonable ranges. I was using shock diet plans as a tool for dealing with them. Exercising was not in my vocabulary at all. And guess what! I ended up as an obese woman! And thereafter, I was so sure that I was too heavy for exercising. This is where Anthony got on the stage! He changed my mindset completely. My point is not the fun we had during the sessions, the calories I burnt, his level of professionalism. He guided me to my better and stronger version of myself. He companied me during my inner journey to myself. He helped me to find myself! Many thanks Anthony!




Paul Todd, Lancashire, UK


I deployed Anthony for a specific goal of winning a water-sport event. He studied the sport then built a programme to gradually increase power, strength and develop a strong core. The programme was tough but engaging and the end result was a win; mission accomplished! Whether it's general fitness or a specific goal I would definitely recommend Anthony.




Salah Mustafa, Egypt

  In 2019 – and as part of the signature “new year’s resolution”, I started hitting the gym on my own.  I didn’t have a lot of ambitions: just to shed a few pounds and get in shape.  But I still wasn’t quite there.  I have been typically anti-PTs, until I started noticing Anthony and how he works with his clients.  I decided to give it a go and I am so glad that I did.  I have no idea how he does it, but the exercises were always just about right for my level + a healthy stretch.   Anthony’s patience and coaching style boded very well with me.  I only trained with Anthony for a year in Dubai (as I had to relocate to Singapore), but it was more than enough to regain a lot of the lost stamina, energy and muscle toning.  And the icing on the cake was that I had a lot of fun.




Blanca De La Fuente, Spain

  Anthony has been my personal trainer for more than 2 years. During that time I have recovered from 2 pregnancies and trained all the way until one month before delivering my second baby. I have learned so much about fitness, consistency and good habits with Anthony that I will be forever grateful. I now feel confident that I can walk to into any gym around the world and understand how to perform a complete and thorough workout. If you want to learn about your body, how much you can push it and how to transform it, Anthony is your coach. Thank you for this incredible fitness journey!




Rob Lightfoot, St. Neots, UK

  I started in June 2019 with Anthony as a result of renewed eagerness to get more seriously into fitness and become more consistent. Anthony has not only guided me on correct methods for certain exercises, but also introduced me to new and varied fitness plans that constantly push me. I have experienced great changes in mind and body since having sessions with Anthony. The highest praise goes to Anthony also for his striving for perfection in his clients, pushing them as much outside of sessions as he does in sessions. I could not recommend Anthony highly enough!




Sabine Abdelsater, Lebanon


I started working out with Anthony in June 2020, at the time I was not happy with my weight and my body shape. I also play tennis so my fitness level was low and it was affecting the way I play. When I started the sessions with Anthony I communicated my goals and what I was looking to achieve and through his knowledge and the workout plan he put in place which was tailored to my goals I can now say, 8 months later, that not only have I achieved those goals but my body and my fitness level are better than I could have ever imagined. 

Anthony knows how to push me to do more and exceed my limits without discouraging me and this keeps my motivation high. He is also very helpful when it comes to providing nutrition advice and as a person very approachable, positive, professional and committed which makes workout fun and something to look forward to. 

I highly recommend Anthony and I can assure you that if you give the right commitment level from you side you are guaranteed to exceed your goals and push your limits like I did. Thank you Anthony!




David Hewitt, Leicestershire, UK


I have trained with Anthony for 12 months, on a cycle of 2 days a week. I have always been an active person, a regular visitor to the gym but wanted to move my fitness to another level. Anthony was able to quickly asses my goals and bring needed structure to my training. He has also advised me on my diet, to ensure I maximise my returns from the training regime. Happy to be training with him.




Charbel Mouawad, Toronto, Canada / Beirut, Lebanon


I’ve started working out with Anthony since July 29th, 2020. I had put myself on a dietary and a lifestyle changing path that I needed to compliment with a professional workout. I was lucky to find Anthony who is helping me in my journey to achieve my goals. In 6 months I lost 8 to 9 kgs but also had my muscles toned and improved my strengths and overall health. My doctor is very satisfied with my progress on all health parameters. Anthony challenges me and pushes my limits, which helped me along the way. He’s not just a trainer, he’s a coach, a motivator and a friend who cares for my well-being. I enjoy and look forward to our sessions that are both rewarding and fun. 




Dorcas Yabbacome, Lincoshire, UK


I began training with Anthony in Dubai back in April 2019 when I was looking for some support to regain my fitness after a neck injury. Anthony was brilliant at incorporating the exercises recommended by my physiotherapist as well as building up my strength and stamina with a mix of weights and cardio training. 
By September 2019 I’d really grown to trust Anthony and enjoyed our sessions together so I felt completely comfortable to let him know early on that I was pregnant and he was excellent at adjusting my training sessions to allow for my growing bump and change in energy levels, with his enthusiasm and encouragement I continued working out with him (including boxing!) right up until my due date.
Having had an emergency c-section in April 2020 I was cautious about returning to exercise particularly during lockdown but yet again Anthony was supportive and knew the right way to build up my fitness again and I fully credit him for my post natal recovery. I’ve since relocated back to the U.K. with my family and Anthony continues to be a source of encouragement. 
I have no hesitation in recommending him to anyone who is keen to develop their fitness journey and am only disappointed that I can’t continue working out with him myself




Leslie Sulpice, Paris, France


I have been training with Anthony since October 2019, and I couldn’t be happier with the results and experience.
Every session is tough but it‘s worth it, I achieved the goals we’ve set up together, I’ve lost 10 Kg so far, I have more energy and I feel much better.
The workouts are always different and I look forward to each session, even early morning 😁
Anthony is professional, dedicated and supportive (and stubborn 😁) if you're thinking about training with a professional I highly recommend him.
Thanks again for your time and dedication !




Martin Lubach, Surrey, UK

  I have been training with Anthony for many years now and consider him as a friend as well as my (quite demanding and unrelenting) trainer.
From the start he devised a training plan that suited my ability and adapted it as I became stronger and fitter as well as guiding me through some injuries over that time.
Thanks to Anthony’s motivational style and focus on my goals I have never been fitter..




Tony Breen, Limerick, Ireland


We've known Anthony for several years now.

Initially I asked if he could help me rehabilitate after some health challenges - fitness , wellbeing and stamina were uppermost for me and he delivered on that for sure. 

My wife Mag's also signed up some time after with Anthony - same overall goals and same results. 

When you work with Anthony , here's what you can expect 

a) Serious but Fun - takes the sessions very professionally but always with a light hearted approach so that you can be comfortable. 

b) Customised but Effective - he brings a very tailored approach but it's always impactful at end of the day.

More than anything else , he has become a good friend , interested in our well-being , committed to our fitness and just a great guy. 

Anthony Lee - Top Marks - Top Guy - Top Trainer



Paula Nasrallah, Dubai, UAE


Lewis Robinson has been my trainer for the past two years. I have always found him very professional & target oriented. He works diligently with me to achieve our preset targets.
He keeps the workouts quite varied & interesting.
I highly recommend him as a professional trainer.
Thank you,



Susannah Midson, Dubai, UAE


I have always used the gym in the past but have never been coached by a personal trainer. I decided to do this when I moved to Dubai. Summer here is extremely hot and it is near on impossible to walk around in those months, therefore exercise is essential. Lewis is a great trainer, is motivating, loves making you do burpees at 7am in the morning, with a smile and generally does care about each client and what their goals are. He has very good overall knowledge of different exercises and is not afraid to tell you if you are doing them wrong. Pushes you to the full maximum as trainers should do. Over the months I feel that my fitness level has changed considerably, making me feel a lot happier and healthier, that’s down to Lewis being the best trainer in the world.



Mandy Shepherd, Dubai, UAE


I have always been relatively fit and involved in sport all my life but when I moved to Dubai from Sydney over three years ago, I felt I needed extra help. With limited options to exercise indoors during the summer months, going to the gym each day became a mundane task and I had lost all motivation. When I thought all hope was lost and was ready to cancel my gym membership… along came Lewis!

Lewis came highly recommended to me by a work colleague (and avid triathlete) over two years ago and I have been training with him ever since. His extensive knowledge and expertise in the fitness industry is exceptional and it has certainly taken my training to new levels. With Lewis’ skill and motivation, I have been able to make changes to my training schedule and the results have been fabulous… a fitter, stronger, leaner me! Lewis is extremely attentive to my training needs and knows how far he can push me to get the best results. He is also a nice guy and a delight to train with. The days of boring gym sessions are now over!

If you’re looking for a personal trainer, and reading this testimonial, I believe your search is over…. I cannot recommend Lewis highly enough!



Mohammed Elmi, Dubai, UAE


I've been training with Lewis for over a year now, and when I first went for my initial sessions, I was nervous, and didn't plan on booking beyond my initial 10 sessions. Well, that thought went within the initial 10 seconds of meeting Lewis, who is easily likeable and very friendly. I think this makes Lewis stand out as a trainer; not only do you get someone who is very knowledgeable in his field, and continues to keep up to date with it, but he also is someone with enthusiasm and dedication to improving his clients. During the sessions I feel I can chat about almost anything, and often do!! The best I can say is he'll go out of his way to help you achieve your goals!"



Ben Gleisner-Cooke, UK

  I have really enjoyed training sessions with Lewis. He has an easy-going, informative instruction style that makes it very simple to understand exercises and their benefits, particularly in regard to the targets set at the beginning of training. Sessions are really varied, with lots of different moves that utilise bodyweight and free weights. There is a clear progression between sessions with each week offering an increased challenge. Lewis has also been able to compliment his training sessions with advice about nutrition and exercise away from the supervised sessions. I would certainly recommend him to others as he is a very good personal trainer.



Emma Milne, Dubai UAE


I have been training with Lewis for the past 4 years.  My goals were to lose weight, tone up and become fitter.  Lewis has been a huge help in attaining these goals - his training sessions are varied and fun, a good mix of cardio and strength training.  Lewis is good at pushing me that extra mile and keeping me enthusiastic, motivated and positive.  Lewis is also excellent at encouraging weight loss with advice for healthy eating and an exercise programme for outside of training sessions.  I have been delighted with the results and lost 5 kilograms and gained muscle prior to my wedding and now, having had a baby who is now 6 months old, we are doing lots of work on core muscles and abs and working towards a goal of losing the 7 kilos I have gained.  I have every faith in Lewis that I will achieve this goal.



Karim Niraoui, Germany


Lewis was referred to me by a friend. I was not quite sure whether I needed a personal trainer and though why not give it a try. I was looking to tone up and lose a bit of weight. I subscribed for a 1x session per week for 10 weeks.

What I liked about Lewis is that he really understood my needs and adapted my training sessions to my personal needs. He is excellent at encouraging me, always look to vary the nature of exercises in each session so it never gets boring. He also gave me helpful nutritional advice and set up a training program for me when I had to leave Dubai for a long holiday. I was so enchanted by my sessions that I soon asked for training 2x/week and for the whole year.



Kasia Cooke. Poland:


"Lewis has been highly recommended to me as a very professional, knowledgeable and down to earth personal trainer and he certainly lives up to it. He not only delivers exhausting, rewarding sessions (which for some strange reason make me want to exercise more) but also offers many helpful tips. He has never been late for any of the sessions and keeps
all the records and measurements organised. In the last 10 weeks I have been losing weight quite steadily (which has always been my main goal) but also gradually getting fitter and
stronger (eg I can do my weekends runs faster and for longer).
I shall be booking more sessions very soon".



Rana Ismail: Dubai, UAE


Lewis is a very professional personal trainer and a joy to workout with. He is extremely knowledgeable about all aspects of health including metabolism, general fitness, dietary, and workout techniques. He is keen on ensuring that you get most out of the workout and takes into consideration health problems and injuries and seems to have a handful of different ways of exercising the different muscle groups. He has my highest recommendation to anyone looking for a fun and effective workout.



Txomin Zaratiegui Oses, Spain


I have been training with Lewis since one year. My goal was to improve my average sport performance and to learn good technique for swimming. So far these objectives have been accomplished, Im more slim, my tendency to sport injuries has vanished, and I can do things I couldn't have done before! He is patient on his teaching, encouraging and motivating. I must recommend his services to anyone pursue these objectives!




Iman Hassena, Paris, France / Algiers, Algeria

  I arrived in Dubai right before lockdown, I struggled with the drastic change in lifestyle which led to weight gain. In september 2021 I decided to start personal training sessions with Anthony to be able to focus on my personalized goals: get stronger & lose fat, and after less than 9 months, I am extremely happy with the results: I have lost 6 Kgs fat, I can see the change in my body with more definition. Anthony is a professional, trustworthy committed & a very positive person who truly gave me the best advice & support during and after my sessions. I highly recommend him. 




Megan Petersen, Newcastle, UK

  Anthony is the most incredible personal trainer who has been a true game-changer in my fitness journey and overall well-being. I can't thank him enough for the monumental progress I've made under his guidance. Before I began training with Anthony, I struggled with self-confidence, my attitude towards exercise, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I was often demotivated and apprehensive about working out, but all of that changed when I met him. Anthony has this special ability to inspire and push me to reach, and surpass, my personal best records. His dedication to my progress is unparalleled, and it's evident that he genuinely cares about my success. What sets Anthony apart from other PT’s is not just his professional expertise, but also his exceptional personality. He is friendly and approachable, creating an environment where I feel comfortable discussing any fitness worries or concerns I might have. His vast knowledge and understanding of fitness and nutrition are truly impressive, and I appreciate how he tailors his guidance to my specific needs and goals. One of the things I look forward to the most is our daily interactions. Anthony always has a positive mindset and this is shown throughout all of our daily messages where he checks that I’m having a good day. Whenever I send him my daily update, his responses are not just informative but incredibly encouraging. Each message fills me with a sense of achievement and satisfaction, and this positivity has had a profound impact on my self-esteem and overall outlook on life. Anthony is not just a trainer; he's a motivator, a mentor, and a friend! I feel truly fortunate to have him by my side and I can't wait to see what other milestones we'll conquer together. Thank you for your dedication and unwavering support! From #MotivatedMeg




Anuscha Mohamed Iqbal, Pakistan

  I had the incredible privilege of working with a personal trainer who not only met my fitness goals but surpassed them in ways I couldn't have imagined. Anthony possesses a rare blend of expertise, dedication, and unwavering support that made my fitness journey not just successful, but genuinely enjoyable. His personalized approach to fitness training and unwavering commitment to his clients sets him apart from the rest. What truly sets Anthony apart is his genuine care for his clients. He doesn't just show up for sessions and count down the clock. He takes the time to understand the physical and emotional challenges we face on our fitness journey, offering unwavering support and motivation. He celebrated my successes as if they were his own, creating a true partnership on this life-changing journey. Under Anthony's guidance, I not only reached my fitness goals, but I exceeded them. I've lost weight, gained strength, and most importantly, I've gained confidence and a healthier outlook on life. His training methods are effective, but his mentorship and friendship are invaluable.




Shak Iqbal, USA / Pakistan

  I have been training with Anthony for over 5 years. He is consistent, motivating and focused in his approach. He also goes out of his way to organize events and activities outside of training to keep me engaged. He has even trained alongside me at various gyms outside of our normal sessions! More recently, I have lost 8 kilos in a matter of months training with Anthony while also reaching new record times in various workouts and challenges.




Alex Tattis, Athens, Greece

  I've been working out with Anthony for several years. He is knowledgeable and always has a positive attitude, fostering a community of like minded fitness and wellness enthusiasts.




Matt Leahy, Surrey, UK

  A very proactive PT group with a vast amount of experience that can cater for a wide range of fitness needs, including cardio and building strength. Have been trained by Activ8 for 2 yrs now and wouldn’t go anywhere else for my fitness needs.




Christian Mielke; Stutgart, Germany

  I've been working with Anthony for the past 6 months and I couldn't be happier with the results. As a personal trainer, he excels at designing varied workout routines that keep me engaged and challenged. Each session includes a great mix of cardio and strength training, working all the major muscle groups. What I appreciate most is Anthony’s attentiveness and care. He is extremely knowledgeable and always ensures I'm using proper form to get the most out of each exercise while preventing injury. The workouts are tough but they provide lots of encouragement and modify movements as needed. I've tried other trainers in the past, but Anthony is truly in a league of his own. His passion for fitness is evident in every session, and he has helped me achieve my goals in a safe and effective way. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a personal trainer who will push you to be your best while keeping your wellbeing as the top priority.




Tom Hickman; Surrey, UK

  Having worked with Anthony for two years, I have seen a huge improvement in my overall fitness and energy. His sessions are always well organised and creative, and he regularly goes above and beyond with additional runs, sessions and other ways of keeping fit.




Peter Ehrhorn; Denmark

  I have always struggled to find the motivation to go to the gym until I started working with Anthony. He manages to motivate and tailor make training to my specific requirements and I have now been working with Anthony for 3+ years which I would never have been able to do on my own in the training center or with any other trainer. I highly recommend Anthony.




Alban Pesneau; Maulay, France

  4 years in a row I’m working with Anthony as a PT. Such good results. Gentleman, and always take care of the way of working despite my motivations and my back issue. I can only recommend. Not another PT as Dubai can offer, but a real sport professional. 💪🏼



"Feel it, See it, Be it"